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Tuesday, June 4, 2024

The Encounter of 8 Terrorists in 24 Hours, on in South Kashmir, Terrorists Hiding in Mosque

The time has come for the destruction of terror from the valley. A lot of information has been encountered against the infection of terror. This information is evidence of the success of the army and security forces. In Jammu and Kashmir, 8 terrorists have been killed in the last 24 hours.

In the Pampore gunbattle among activists and security powers, commandos of the Special Operations Group neglected to persuade the aggressors to give up and the powers at that point entered a mosque. 

Two aggressors have stayed inside the mosque since Thursday morning and the gunbattle has proceeded from that point forward. Both the aggressors in the Pampore experience have been murdered. 

J&K Police DGP Dilbag Singh stated, “Both the continuous activities continued in the first part of the day today. At Meej Pampore, after the killings of one aggressor, two others entered the nearby Jamia Mosque which is a tremendous structure. Powers have practiced restriction and just constrained strategies have been utilized. Activity group is at work.” 

Kashmir Police IG stated, “The Pampore activity required some serious energy however powers kept up the holiness of the mosque. The two psychological militants covering up inside the mosque have been murdered. The activity is finished.” 

At Munand Shopian, powers have killed four aggressors, taking the aggregate to eight since Thursday. 

Jammu and Kashmir Police has said the powers have murdered 100 activists in Kashmir this year.

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