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Monday, June 3, 2024

Who is Father of Corruption and Why #FatherofCorruption trending on Twitter? #HBDFatherOfCorruption #Karunanidhi

In India hashtag #HBDFatherofcorruption is trending and everyone is talking about the father of corruption in Tamilnadu. Actually all tweets are fingering to M. Karunanidhi. Tomorrow is his birth anniversary so everyone is heading the #HBDFatherOfCorruption.

He was a Tamilnadu Indian politician and served as Chief Minister of Tamil Nadu for almost two decades, that’s a history record for being a CM for so long. But many Tamil peoples still thinks that #Karunanidhi is a father of corruption in Tamilnadu. The below tweet will explain you the hateness against their former CM.

When you talk and write about the “Father of Corruption Wikipedia” below 3 top searches come out.

If anywhere corruption is happening then it will cause the national, state and local economy very badly. If we talked about the survey happened in India in 2005 and 2008 then result came out as around 62% population paid a bribe to get their work done soon or they got no another choices.

Who is the Father of Corruption in Tamilnadu?

Well, if we write on the google the same question then #Karunanidhi wiki page is coming on first. And almost all top 10 pages are telling you the same why he father of corruption in their state Tamilnadu.

If we talk about the Tamilnadu corruption then more than half talked about the father of the corruption. And some are really admire his work during his ministry time. Some of them understand him Golden era of Tamilnadu.

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