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Monday, June 3, 2024

PM Modi gives hints towards “Lockdown will extend after May 3”?

Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Monday Hinted to another increment of lockdown in Covid-19 hotspots after May 3 during his virtual meet with CMs. The PM likewise praised the endeavors made by states across India to contain the deadly novel coronavirus pandemic while requesting that they set up a lockdown leave approach.

In a review meeting with CMs over lockdown augmentation on Monday, the Prime Minister said aggregate endeavors of states have assisted with dealing with the current emergency and included that a great many lives have been spared because of steps taken by state governments in the previous one and a half months.

“We saw a two-stage lockdown, with strict measures in the first phase and then some relaxations in the second. Good work has been done in the states,” PM Modi told the CMs.

The PM said: “Efforts of states should now be directed towards converting the red zones into orange and thereafter to green zones. We have to be brave and bring in reforms that touch the lives of common citizens.”

During his gathering through video meetings on Monday, Prime Minister Modi told the CMs that a strategy should be attracted to leave the lockdown. PM Modi requested that the states get ready state-wise leave approach taking into account their red, orange, and green zones. 

PM Modi besides warned that the risk is a long way from being done and consistent cautiousness is required. “Effect of Covid-19 will stay noticeable in the coming months, covers and face spreads will be a piece of life,” PM Modi told the CMs.

PM Modi said significance must be given to the economy too. He additionally stressed the significance of utilization of discovery however much as could be expected and to use the time to grasp change measures. 

The CMs met the PM to talk about the circumstance emerging due to Covid-19 in the nation, which is under a 50-day lockdown since March 25 to contain the pandemic.

Monday’s conference was Modi’s fourth such cooperation with state Chief ministers since March 22 when he previously addressed them on the coronavirus circumstance. 

Sources in the legislature had on Sunday shown that other than talking about the route forward in managing the pandemic, the head administrators and Chief Ministers  could likewise concentrate on a “reviewed” exit from the lockdown. 

The head administrator requested that CMs arrange states into red, orange, and green zones. This shows the lockdown could be stretched out in hotspots or red zones. Upwards of four CM including Odisha CM Naveen Patnaik, have educated augmentation concerning the lockdown to contain the contamination. 


CM Vijay Rupani advised the Center about the state’s trying treatment component. He likewise said that he is agreeable to expanding the lockdown in red zone zones/hotspots territories. Independent venture exercises have just started in green zones after the MHA’s April 25 rules, included Rupani. 


Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar informed the Center about advances taken to help ranchers in Mandi. I am agreeable to the expansion of lockdown in red zones and fixing of state outskirts to stop free development, Khattar said. 


CM Nitish Kumar requested an arrangement to bring abandoned understudies for Kota and different states. He likewise requested a wellbeing registration of all vagrants workers. 


The circumstance is as yet testing however an official conclusion will be taken in the following hardly any days, said Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal. This clues at some unwinding, however severe limitations in control zones in the national capital. 


Maharashtra CM Uddhav Thackeray proposed an outright lockdown in hotspots past May 3. These incorporate Mumbai and Pune. A choice is yet to be taken on green zones, anticipating the Center’s requests on the development of vagrant specialists. The CM likewise mentioned the Center for foodgrains. 

Tamil Nadu: 

Tamil Nadu CM Edapaddi K Palaniswami

 mentioned the head administrator to stretch out help to the MSME segment for the installment of compensations, PF, ESI levy, waiver enthusiasm on term credits and working capital advances for a half year. Installment of GST (advance expense) and personal duty could be conceded for a half year to help MSMEs, he said. Palaniswami additionally mentioned a specially appointed award of Rs 1,000 crore from NDRF to obtain clinical and defensive gear. 


Chief Minister V Narayanasamy  said there ought to be a wary methodology considering the rising number of cases. He approached the PM for GST pay that has been expected throughout the previous five months and in any event four months’ remuneration to be discharged right away. The legislature of India should give us a monetary bundle, Narayanasamy said. 


Jharkhand CM Hemant Soren approached the Center for a conventional arrangement on the arrival of transient laborers and understudies. He also said that he isn’t supportive of any unwinding of limitations in red zones or hotspots. 


Rajasthan Chief Minister didn’t get an opportunity to talk yet requested a help bundle of Rs 1 lakh crore. He likewise proposed the expulsion of the lockdown in a staged way. 

Madhya Pradesh: 

MP CM Shivraj Singh Chouhan demonstrated that he would follow whatever the focal government chooses. He also said that limitations ought not to be loose in the state’s hotspots, to be specific Bhopal, Indore, and Ujjain. 

Uttar Pradesh: 

Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath additionally recommended that the lockdown ought not to be loose in red zones or Covid-19 hotspots. 


CM Bhupesh Baghel said that he is supportive of allowing monetary exercises in green zones. He additionally voiced help for the fixing of state outskirts.

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