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Sunday, June 9, 2024

Patanjali’s Launched ‘Coronil’ will Cure Corona! How does it works and what is the price?

Yoga guru Baba Ramdev on Tuesday launched the Ayurvedic medicine of COVID19. It has been named Coronil Tablet. Baba Ramdev says that this is the first Ayurvedic clinically controlled, research, evidence and trial based medicine for Corona.

The coronil kit will be available for Rs 545. According to Yoga Guru Ramdev, only indigenous ingredients have been used to make this medicine, in which many things including mulethi-deco have been added. Also, Giloy, Ashwagandha, Tulsi, Sanshari were also used.

Ramdev said that this medicine made from Ayurveda will be found in Patanjali’s store in the next seven days, besides an app(Deliver Me) will be launched on Monday with the help of which this medicine will be delivered at home.

Baba Ramdev said that we have done two trials on this medicine. A clinical study was done on 100 people, 95 people took part in it. In 3 days 69 percent of the patients were cured, while in 7 days 100 percent of the patients became healthy. 

Coronil has been made by Patanjali Yogpeeth. Baba Ramdev launched a kit of 3 medicines. Clinical Controlled Trials of Coronil have been done by Patanjali Research Center and NIMS Jaipur.

According to Acharya Balakrishna, Ashwagandha Covid-19’s RBD included in Divya Coronil tablet does not allow ACE of the human body to meet. Due to this, the infected human body cannot enter healthy cells. Giloy also prevents infection.

 Tulsi’s compound not only stops the rate of increase in its coefficient by attacking the RNA-polymerases of Kovid-19, but also consumes it continuously. At the same time, the bronchial juice prevents the formation of thick mucus and reduces the swelling of the lungs by eliminating the mucus formed.

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