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Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Is It Possible to Reverse Diabetes?

Young adults in India are adopting an unhealthy lifestyle due to a lack of work-life balance. The consumption of refined carbohydrates, trans-fats, and processed foods on a regular basis is becoming more common. This is made worse by the inability to schedule time for exercise or work out on a daily basis.

Most of us were raised in homes where we were informed that eating too much sugar can lead to diabetes. 

We began to believe that abstaining from sweets, chocolates, and sugar would keep us from developing diabetes. People can get diabetes even if they limit their sugar intake. Do you have any idea why?

According to a study by the International Diabetes Federation, 72.9 million persons in India had diabetes in 2017. The numbers are steadily increasing, particularly in urban areas. According to a study published in The Lancet, India has a diabetes prevalence of more than 11.2 percent.

Type 2 diabetes, which is caused by insulin resistance, accounts for the majority of this increase. The pancreas eventually loses its ability to produce insulin in this situation.

Insulin resistance and glucose intolerance are two factors that contribute to Type 2 Diabetes. As a result, the majority of diabetics have carb intolerance. Carbohydrates play a major part in increasing your glucose levels, which can be mild to moderate in some circumstances. 

Sugar and sweets aren’t the only things you can eat! Several Indian and international research has found that a low-carbohydrate, high-fat, moderate-protein diet can help persons with diabetes

How is Diabetes Reversal* Possible?

A low-carb diet has been shown to lower fat levels in the pancreas and liver, allowing insulin production to return to normal.

Diabetes reversal occurs when your Hba1c (average blood glucose) falls below 6.5 percent without the need for surgery or drugs other than metformin. 

Note: Metformin is not included in the reversal because it is used for more than just blood glucose control.

The first step in reversing diabetes is to:

  • Carbohydrates in the diet should be kept to a minimum.
  • Increase your physical activity level.

If your diet can boost your blood sugar, it can also manage and even reverse diabetes if you choose the right foods. 

In fact, according to a study conducted in India, the majority of type 2 diabetes patients in their cohort (75 percent) had a partial or complete reversal of diabetes after three months. These patients were all compliant with the therapy and adhered to the nutrition and activity recommendations on a regular basis. 1

According to a study published in the National Centre for Biological Information, “75 percent of young adults with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes achieve diabetes remission with a low-carb diet and frequent physical activity.” 

As a result, it is recommended that all young, newly diagnosed type 2 diabetic patients seek diabetes remission.

It is important to note that you should not go for a reversal if you are pregnant.

How Can Diabetes Reversal Program Help You?

A diabetes reversal program with the guidance of experts gives you a personalized solution to your chronic condition. With tracking and follow-ups, you can analyze your progress effectively.

BeatO Diabetes Care Programs are specially designed for people with diabetes who want to reverse their condition without exhausting themselves in the process. A certified team of diabetes care coaches, behavioral experts, culinary experts, and doctors work together to help you. The medical team analyzes your glycemic parameters, weight, and calorie intake.

These programs are designed and mentored by top doctors and health coaches. You can monitor your blood glucose at home with the help of the BeatO Glucometer. It’s easy to use and highly recommended for people with diabetes. You can use the BeatO app to further track your blood glucose readings and share reports with your doctor. 


Note: Reversal is NOT a cure. You need to follow a balanced lifestyle in order to stay healthy.

You should not go for a reversal if you have: advanced renal insufficiency, pancreatitis, pyruvate carboxylase deficiency, hyperchylomicronemia, cancer, eating disorders, or Type-1 diabetes.

Conditions that require caution for diabetes reversal: Individuals suffering from Hypertension, Gallbladder Removal, Decreased Kidney Function, Kidney Stones and Gout shall require special care and caution.

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