Singer Kanika Kapoor is the first Bollywood superstar to be contaminated with Coronavirus. At this moment, She is at her home, defeating the virus. When Kanika Kapoor was considered to be Corona positive, there was confusion. She was informed that she disregarded Corona’s screening at the air terminal. Aside from this, she went to numerous gatherings. Presently Kanika Kapoor has ended the quiet and made a lengthy tweet. Kanika had composed that she was screened at the Mumbai air terminal, and she was sound when there was no warning to go to the Quarantine.
Kanika Kapoor wrote on her Twitter handle on Sunday, ‘I know many stories have been made about me. Some grew more because I remained silent until now. I was not quiet because I was wrong. Instead, I knew people were given incorrect information. I was waiting for people to understand the truth themselves. I thank my family, friends, and supporters who followed me at such a time. I hope and pray that all of you will be safe at this time. ‘
There was no warning about isolate,
Kanika Kapoor further composed, ‘Presently, I need to disclose to you the right things. I am at present investing quality energy with guardians at my Lucknow home. All the individuals who interacted with me in the UK, Mumbai, and Lucknow didn’t show any side effects of Covid-19, yet all tests were negative. At the point when I came to Mumbai from London on March 10, there was additionally an examination at the air terminal. Around then there was no warning with respect to living in Quarantine. (Warning showed up in the UK on March 18) which said to isolate yourself. I didn’t perceive any side effects of the sickness myself, so I didn’t isolate myself. After this, when I came to Lucknow from Mumbai on March 11, I was not screened at the air terminal. There was no framework at that point.

Spreading anger doesn’t change reality.
Kanika Kapoor composed, ‘I ate and had dinner with companions on 14 and 15 March. No gathering was composed without anyone else. There was no medical issue around then, on March 17, when I had some problem, on March 18, I requested that I complete the coronavirus test. On March 19, she went to the medical clinic on March 20 in the wake of being crown positive in the analysis. I was released after my three tests were negative, and I am home for 21 days. I thank the specialists and medical caretakers who dealt with me at such a period. I trust individuals manage truth and affectability with this issue. Executing antagonism on people doesn’t change reality.