Supermoon News: According to NASA Today is the Full Flower Moon. Moon is the super brightest tonight. In comparison to other usual days, tonight’s moon is looking bigger and brighter. Today’s super moon is also calling as Vesak Festival Moon, Corn Planting Moon, and Milk Moon.
Lookout the super moon picture taken by John Michael C. Tila-on in Burauen, Leyte at 6:47 PM tonight. #supermoon
Now on social media, everyone is talking about the #flowermoon and we know it’s the last moon of 2020.
As per the full moon scorpio ..
*Bring out your true self
*Emotional and spiritual closeness with loved ones
*Deal with baggage and guilt
*Soul Level Solutions
*Bring suppressed emotions to the surface to deal with them
*Passion, Shadow, and Sensuality
*Time to forgive
#supermoon #fullmoon #flowermoon
Here’s the referred twitter naked numerology tweet:
Have a look on the cloudy full moon video taken by jaja.