LiveHeed wishing you EID Mubarak all out there. Eid is very special festival in the Muslim community. Muslims enjoy it with many food dishes, colorful dresses, visit relatives homes and go nearby masjids. But we everyone know that 2020 EID is not going to happen like this. Due to the coronvirus pandemic it’s not safe to go out there and visit relatives houses and masjids for pray.

Here are the some tips to say EID Mubarak to your friends and relatives. And how to celebrate Eid-ul-fitr in lockdown.
- Enjoy only with family members
- Avoid large gatherings
- Decorate your home
- Dressup and share your look on social media
- Don’t go outside with your friends
- Through social platrforms greeting your friends and relatives
- Pray from home
- Virtual Iftaar feast
- Eat in your way
- Make new dishes and shre with your friends
- Observe social distancing, if somone is not following then understand him/her to why it’s necessary
- Give gifts online
- Enjoy only with family members
- Help around at home
- Charity through online

By following above tips you can win the war against the Corona panadmic. We’ll know that after around 29-30 days of fasting, this festival comes in the form of a grand feast and celebration, that’s why it’s became very interesting and necessary to celebrate Eid ul-Fitr. However, 2020 is comes with all of the social aspects of both Ramadan and Eid have come to halt. EID MUBARAK 2020 AGAIN.