Bikash Tripathy worked as a VP ( Vice-President ) at an IT firm in Noida and was living cheerfully with his family at Crossings Republik area of Ghaziabad. He was terminated from his job alongside twelve of his partners after the lockdown outbreak.
PM Narendra Modi reported a lockdown on March 24 to contain the spread of coronavirus. In any case, the lockdown was stretched out till May 3, as the Covid-19 positive cases kept on ascending in the nation. As the lockdown stopped organizations, many have since been left jobless. With a For Bikash Tripathy, the lockdown brought incredible difficulties as he was terminated from his office with a dozen different associates.
coronavirus effect economy in india
Bikash Tripathy filled in as a VP at an IT firm in Noida and was living joyfully with his family at Crossings Republik region of Ghaziabad. He had as of late purchased a level there, EMIs of which are very substantial.
Be that as it may, a pall of misery slid on his life during the lockdown as his organization terminated him on April 10 with over twelve different associates with no earlier notification. Around 85 percent of his compensation was utilized to pay credits and different liabilities, including his lone little girl’s school expense, yet now, he is left with nothing.
“I am attempting to contact the organization through messages and calls yet all futile. We were terminated while telecommuting. I am looking for help from the administration. However, no standards are there to assist individuals with enjoying me,” he disclosed to India Today TV.
His older guardians are stuck in his old neighborhood in Odisha. “I have no clue what I will do to meet the day by day needs and to pay EMIs of my level and school expenses of my little girl,” he said.
Bolted inside his condo, Bikash can’t do a lot to scan for a new position as the economy is likewise taking a crash because of the lockdown.
In Delhi, Ramnaresh Gupta, 40, who began an occupation with an online business organization at Naraina zone in February, isn’t getting paid. His investment funds are running out, and he says it is challenging to deal with his better half, sick mother and two youngsters with no cash for proportion.
“The power meter has been killed due to non-installment of bills, and the entire family is living day and night without power. The representatives were approached to telecommute in March, referring to the lockdown following the coronavirus pandemic, yet on April 1, the official mail ID was blocked, and workers were additionally expelled from the workplace WhatsApp gathering,” he said.
Gupta said he began having self-destructive considerations when he didn’t get his compensation, and when he educated the organization’s executive regarding it, “do what needs to be done” was the reaction.
“There is nothing to eat in my home. I am the just one in the family to gain. There are 40 different families who are likewise confronting a similar issue. I am not ready to pay the school charge. My mom has asthma; however, I am not ready to purchase any medication. We are simply drinking water and going through evenings in a dim room,” a mournful Gupta said.