Have a look on Alka Lamba Trending #ArrestAlkaLamba and #IndiaWithAlkaLamba Story, LiveHeed Exclusive Report.

arrest alka lamba

Alka Lamba News: Today we’ll discuss about the story behind trending hashtags in support to Alka Lamba or against to her on twitter. Some hours ago Politician Alka Lamba shared her 2 years back tweet. In that tweet she mentioned some wrong words for India’s PM Modi and UP’S CM Yogi. She said Modi and Yogi are Impotent(नपुंसक). Here’s the video.

When this retweeted tweet came in eyes of BJP and PM, CM supporters they start a campaign against Alka with hashtags #ArrestAlkaLamba and #ArrestAlkaLambaPlease. These hashtags remains on top in trending for some hours.

After that Alka Lamba shared a tweet in that tweet she said “माँ हूँ,किसी की बेटी हूँ,किसी की बहन हूँ, शायद इसीलिये बलात्कार की शिकार बेटियों का दर्द समझ सकती हूँ,निर्भया की माँ को सालों न्याय के लिए दर दर की ठोकरें खाते,पीड़ा-आँसुओं में कईं बार देखा, जब जब देखा खून खोल उठा, #बेटियों के लिय हर कुर्बानी मंजूर, जेल भेजो #ArrestAlkaLamba “

After that many supporters came in support to Alka Lamba and now hashtag #IndiaWithAlkaLamba trending on number 1 in India. Here are some tweets in support of her.


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