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Monday, June 3, 2024

#HappyBirthdayRahulGandhi: Liveheed Wishing Happy Birthday Rahul GandhiJi with hashtag #HappyBirthdayRahulGandhiJi

#HappyBirthdayRahulGandhiJi: Today’s the mr Rahul Gandhi birthday and we as a team wishing him happy birthday and good health. He born on 19th June 1970 and today is turned in 50th year. Rahul Gandhi is a member of parliament in India. He’s a very known face in Indian Politics because of his family political roots in India. Rahul was the President of the Indian National Congress for 2 years and now his mother Sonia Gandhi is president of Congress.

If you want to know about the generation tree of Rahul Gandhi visit here so you will get idea about the Nehru-Gandhi family. Rahul Gandhi generation has occupied a prominent place in the politics of India

On his birthday his fans are wishing him happy birthday on social media. Like Mohd Zeeshan and Rahman share their tweets to wish him happy birthday. For more birthday wishes visit here. https://twitter.com/search?q=%23HappyBirthdayRahulGandhiJi&src=typeahead_click.

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